Thursday, April 12, 2007

Preventing Parvo With Parvaid And Vibactra Plus

Parvo is a viral disease that attacks the immune system and intestinal tract of dogs. It was first identified in 1978 and can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact with vomit, feces or diarrhea from an infected dog.

Incubation & Indications

When a dog has been exposed to Parvo, the virus will enter the dog's lymphatic system and incubate. Once the virus has completed the incubation stage, which can take anywhere from three to fifteen days, it will work its way into the intestinal tract and bone marrow. At that time the puppy will begin to show symptoms, which can include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, depression, dehydration, high fever and even sudden death.

Traditional Treatment

Historically, treatment has required taking your dogs to the vet where they will be kept for two or three days and given IV drips and anaesthetics. What's more, they will be all by themselves in a strange environment, which can only cause your pets yet further distress. This treatment is not guaranteed to be successful - the only thing you can be certain of is that it will cost you hundreds of dollars in vet's bills.

Natural Treatment

However, new, safer and more cost-effective all-natural solutions can now be obtained, thanks to the hard work and dedicated research of a handful of companies, one of which is Amber Technology from Utah.

Not only are these products safe (there are no known side-effects), but you can treat your dog at home in its every-day environment for a small percentage of the cost of the traditional treatment at a vet's.

Clinical Trials

Amber Technology has tested two of its products, Parvaid and Vibactra Plus, to see if the virus could be prevented at the incubation stage (i.e. before the dog begins to show any symptoms). The results of the study prove that using Parvaid and Vibactra Plus before the puppy becomes symptomatic results in 90% of dogs not showing any symptoms.

However, if they have been wormed or vaccinated within seven days of the onset of Parvo, the numbers are less. If the dog has been exposed to Parvo AND has another illness, such as coccidia, the percentage numbers decline. (Amber Technology does not have an opinion as per the maintenance of vaccinations. Amber Technology suggests that you do your own research and make your own determinations as to whether or not you will vaccinate.)

Parvaid As A Preventative Measure

It takes an average of three days for the incubation process to take place. Let the puppy expose itself to the virus and allow its system to build its immunities for a couple of days. On the second day, begin giving your puppy Parvaid and Vibactra Plus. This process gives your puppy a greater chance of stopping the virus from reaching the intestinal tract (nine times out of ten, according to studies). The puppy can contract the illness if the exposure is not allowed because the puppy does not have the opportunity to build immunity to the virus.

This process is not a guarantee, however. As soon as the preventative treatment has been completed the puppy can contract the illness, either immediately afterwards or in the future. If this occurs, you should begin the full dose recommended for the treatment of Parvo.

There are a few other things to consider:

** Adult dogs can also become infected.

** If you have multiple dogs, there is a high risk that many will become infected if the virus is present.

** Parvovirus can be spread via vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, and other animals, making it nearly impossible to keep your yard virus-free.

** Since the virus multiplies easily and likes to hide in the ground, it can be all around your dog's environment; therefore it is best to use Parvaid as a Preventative rather than trying to eradicate the virus from your yard.

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