Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Dog Training Hand Signals - 2 Important Commands You Can Teach Today

Dog training hand signals are a great way to get to know your dog and form a permanent bond with him. It is fun for both you and your dog. While he is being trained to follow a verbal command you can teach him to follow hand signals as well. Training your pet using dog training hand signals can be very beneficial. If you need him to follow a command in a noisy or crowded area it may be impossible for him to hear you. Also as a dog ages they often lose their hearing.

When you begin training your dog one of the most important things to remember is to never spank or hit your dog. You want him to associate your hands with good things; rewards and affection, not pain. It's easy to get started. Begin with a few pieces of your dog's favorite treat and make sure he's hungry. You will start with a basic command and associate it with a hand gesture. With repetition your dog will begin to respond to the dog training hand signal. When he responds reward him with the treat.

Once your dog begins responding to the command you are giving him verbally, gradually stop using the verbal command. Use the dog training hand signal you have chosen for the command. Only when he responds using the hand signal is he rewarded with the treat.You will want to start with two basic commands. Once they have mastered these commands you will be able to move on to more advanced training. The basic commands to begin with in your dog training hand signal teachings are "sit" and "down".

To teach your dog to 'sit "have your dog stand directly in front of you. Hold his favorite treat in your hand. Teach him the verbal command and then add the hand signal you have chosen to represent "sit". Start by giving the chosen dog training hand signal. Keep your hands at your side, bringing it up and folding your hands as if to throw something. As you do this hold the treat near his nose, while guiding it upward. At he same time you are guiding his nose you will say the command, "sit". Give him the treat when he sits.

To teach him the "down" command, start with your dog sitting in front of you. Again, teach him the verbal command and then incorporate the hand signal for "down". The common command for "down" is to have your hand palm facing downward. You will slowly lower you hand to the ground. As you are using your hand to signal, continue repeating the verbal command. Slowly lift your hand over your head. Hold the treat in your fingers. Keeping your arm straight, slowly bring it down until it is hanging at your side. As the treat is passing over his nose, say "down" as you use the dog training hand signal. If he is successfully "down" he will be laying down with his paws and his head forward. When he goes "down" give him a reward.

A well trained dog is a pleasure to own. Your dog deserves to be well trained. He will know what is expected of him and know how to deliver. Taking the time to properly train your dog using dog training hand signals will bring years of pleasure to both of you. It is possible to train your dog at home. It requires patience and dedication. It will be time well spent though. Imagine the satisfaction you will gain when you have successfully trained your dog and can take him anywhere with pride. Get started today teaching your pet with dog training hand signals.

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